Less Exclusions More Coverage!

IKW Group has introduced breakthrough change to minimize the number of Exclusions in all products, which give customers maximum protection at no extra cost.

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Total coverage won't increase even after exclusions

IKW Group has introduced breakthrough change to minimize the number of Exclusions in all products, which give customers maximum protection at no extra cost.

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Dive deep into the world of protection!

Insurtech Group leading internationally in a broad range of businesses. Our aggressive investments in our primary industries (chemical, aerospace, mechatronics, solar energy, and finance) are laying the foundation for sustainable development and a brighter future for all.

We’re here to help you navigate insurance.

We believe people count — that one person can help to influence positive outcomes for many.

We're making insurance surprisingly painless.

Full protection insurance

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30 years experience

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24/7 customer support

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Insurance should be easy. And now it is.

Over 250,000 customers satisfaction. We always looking for opportunities to help people become their best selves.

Disability claims stories

Insurtech‘s specialists in each country are well trained to deliver top quality services and benefits solutions to companies of all sizes.

College tuition benefits

We are helping families get closer to their education goals. We measure ourselves by how much we’ve helped people, businesses, and communities.

Helping people protect what they love most

Insurtech Group is committed to helping you meet your financial needs and goals with a wide range of life and health protection and long-term savings products.

Quick and easy

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Success Rate

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Not sure what you need?
Learn in seconds which types of insurance match your business.

Our expert team members

You know you need it, and we know how to make it a breeze. Get the reliable, affordable coverage you deserve in a jiffy.

Founder & CEO

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Hr Manager

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For the Press

Our dedication to understanding what’s important to our customers now, and years from now, is why we remain one of the most highly rated in client satisfaction and financial strength.